Did you enjoy our website?  Please leave some comments about things you like, and things you would change.

Mrs. Rau
28/3/2013 07:29:33 am

This is a test message to see if I can post a comment on your blog:)

Ms. Shabdin
28/3/2013 04:38:34 pm

Hi Lovelies,

Thank you for sharing your website! I was particularly impressed with your own original poetry - so many different forms and themes. Goksu your poem with connections to "The Fault in Our Stars" was simple but beautiful... Elmira, "Recipe for Hope" was fun and playful and got me thinking about my own recipe! Ercan, in your "Pi" poem (the second one) I loved the line: "'I have a story that can make you believe in god' / Whether you believe it is real, or not." Kaan Deniz, "Fear is the darkest time" is just absolutely beautiful - and haunting!

Mrs. Hoffman
28/3/2013 04:57:39 pm

I loved your web site. Your original poetry was amazing. Ercan, I love your poem about the t-shirt. Goksu, your poem about a recipe for life was great. I like the mixture of love and injury at the beginning. Elmira, I like the way hope needs to be served fresh. Kaan Deniz, I wonder if mosquitos really think this way.

28/3/2013 05:15:37 pm

I loved your poem and song choices Your site is well-organized! Elmira's analysis for tiny dancer, Göksu and Ercan's poem dark side of the moon, and Kaan Deniz's Istanbul is poem was really good! Great website!

Ömer Kalaycı
13/4/2013 05:21:52 am

This is a very nice piece of work. Congratulations to all participants and to their teachers who have come up with such a good idea. I believe that this is an excellent way of providing the necessary environment to the students to discover their inclinations and talents.
Elmira: Very nice selection of poems and analyses.
I enjoyed the original poetry. My favorite is “Old School Bag”, somehow reminiscent of Orhan Veli.

One small comment on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: Even though nature is described vividly as pointed out, the description of the nature is basically a reflection on the hallucinations of a girl. I thought that this should have been pointed out.

Beautiful analysis of the poetic technique. Excellent language skill with a very good command of English language.
Recipe is nice. However the contribution of the parents is somewhat underrepresented :)
Excellent ideas on poetic technique and good insight in the comparison.

Kaan Deniz
Nice selection of poems and very good analyses.

Şule Mansur
14/4/2013 03:21:41 pm

I really like your website.Everyone did a great job with the original poetry. I read your analyses, they were even better than some analyses written by professionals. I thank you for such a great website and I thank Mrs. Rau for the idea.

Ümit Şen
15/4/2013 04:27:34 am

I really enjoyed your website. I think it's a great idea to create website about poems. I can see everyone involved in the project worked so hard from the quality of their work. I also want to thank Mrs. Rau for this creative idea.


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